среда, 25 марта 2020 г.

The Great fire of London

The Great fire of London
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом the great fire of london
You have enough knowledge about London sights but do you know some historical facts about the capital of Great Britain? 
1) Посмотри видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er3GKw8Z3R4
2) Пополним твой словарик:
A spot – место
To remind – напоминать
A flame – пламя
Brick – кирпич
A fire brigade – пожарная команда
To destroy – разрушать
3) Read the text and say what happened to London in 1666.
The summer of 1666 was very hot and dry in London. On Sunday in September a great  fire broke out in the city. It began late at night in a street not far from London Bridge. The Monument now stands on the spot to remind people of the terrible flames.
A hot east wind was blowing and the fire spread quickly. Most of the houses in London were made of wood. The better houses had brick or stone foundations only. The fire burnt for five days and nothing could stop it. There were no fire brigades at that time. The flames made night as light as day for ten miles around London. The people left their burning houses and went to the fields across the Thames. They put up tents and lived there.
Thirteen thousand houses were destroyed and many people were left homeless. London was completely destroyed.
4) Ответь на вопросы к тексту.
When was the fire of London?
When did it begin?
How long did the fire last?
How many houses were destroyed?

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